Sabtu, 30 April 2016


Alone they taste great together are an explosive combination and crepes are something unimaginable. You you can enjoy this delicious recipe that combines pineapple and coconut and gets into a very rich crepe. To make it, you just must take the following steps:


For mixing the crepes:
2 tbsp. of butter
1 cup milk
½ cup flour
2 eggs
2 tbsp. shredded coconut
1 tsp. of sugar
For pineapple sauce:
½ cup sugar for pineapple sauce
2 tbsp. of butter
1 pinch of salt
1 cup diced pineapple
½ cup heavy cream
For the filling:
2 cups whipped cream
¼ cup Malibu (optional)
¼ cup coconut cream


In a bowl, mix all ingredients well (must include a teaspoon of sugar) and book the mixture for 20 minutes in the refrigerator.
1. In a bowl of steel, preferably cold, mixing the whipped cream and incorporates, wrapped, cream of coconut and Malibu (optional, if consumed by children).
2. Mix and cooling booking.
The sauce:
1. In a skillet over medium heat, place the butter and saute until golden pineapple. Then, add ½ cup sugar and cook until a candy form.
2. Stir in sweet cream and cook until the sauce has a thick consistency.
1. In a nonstick skillet over low heat and adds a little oil and put portions of about ¼ cup of the mixture.
2. Spread all over the pan, so that the crepa stay as thin as possible. Cook for 1 minute, flip it over and cook for 30 seconds. Add in the center of the crepe mixture whipped cream, close it in triangular or cone-shaped and immediately served with pineapple sauce.

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