Minggu, 17 April 2016

Butter Cookies with Chocolate

Here we will show this super recipe for butter cookies with chocolate, a favorite of the smallest. At home are one of the recipes stars for tea.

Ingredients butter cookies with chocolate:

- 300 grams of butter
- 200 grams of powdered sugar
- 1 egg
- 2 tablespoons vanilla extract
- 350 grams of flour
- 2 tablespoons yeast
- 1 tablespoon of salt
- 350 grams of chocolate to melt


If you join the taste of a butter cookie with traditional chocolate flavor, the result is really sweet tooth. With this recipe we show you how to prepare some cookies to go crazy to the smallest, and is ideal for celebrations and meetings. You the detail as we prepare ourselves.

As you will see it is very similar to the traditional recipe for shortbread lifelong recipe, so it is simple and quick to prepare, but will add a touch of chocolate at the end that will make it much richer. Read on and learn how to prepare.

The first thing we do is put in a large bowl all ingredients except the chocolate to melt, and we beat all fine until we run with a thick mass. Once we have this ready, we proceed directly to knead with hands until we left the dough into a ball. Ruffy slowly and thoroughly, so that the result is the best possible, since it is this which makes kneading the ingredients are well integrated with each other.

Then, we take a roller and roll out the dough into a smooth surface, which you previously floured slightly. With roller give the thickness to the mass we want, which is usually about 5 or 6 mm, ideal for the cookies to bake well and stay with the right texture.

With the help of cookie cutters we cut the dough on a tray and placing all our cookies cut into the desired shape. Try to make the best use the dough to get better the more cookies and place them far enough apart from each other to prevent sticking.

We introduce the tray in the oven at a temperature of about 180 degrees for about 15 minutes, until cookies acquire a golden hue, which will go from lighter ones to darker inside out.

Once ready, remove and put the top of a grid, so that oreen cool and well everywhere. We take the chocolate to melt and merge, well water bath or using the microwave, and we decorate to taste, leaving them one cool to room temperature until the chocolate will curdle over the cookie.

And with that we have this rich butter cookie recipe with chocolate. Hope will be one of your favorite recipes.

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