Kamis, 21 April 2016

Cookies decorated with candy

Ingredients cookies-decorated-with-candy
For the cookies:
200 gr. Of flour
100 gr. of sugar
1 egg
120 gr. of butter
For Candy:
200 gr. of sugar
4 tablespoons water
Decorated cookies can also be prepared with caramel and thus have a much sweeter taste. It is a very easy recipe and a fun way for children to have fun cooking.
Preparation of cookies decorated with candy
Beat the egg with the sugar until white mixture. Then you add the butter until very soft kind of thick cream is formed.
Now, after sifting the flour, you're throwing this mixture to the bowl while beating for a moment, until a homogeneous mass that you cover with plastic wrap and let rest in the refrigerator for an hour.
While the dough rests you can whet your candy, for which you have to take the sugar to skillet and saute for a few minutes, without oil and stir. When you catching a brown tone check tablespoons water and stir until the candy you book.
Saca cookie dough and you're giving yourself the way you like. In the center you're leaving them a hole that will be candy.
Go them by baking to be done and get that hole filled with candy that you have prepared.

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