Senin, 25 April 2016

Double Chocolate Cookies Avocado

This recipe for cookies Palta Double Chocolate is one of the fastest I've done and yes, even if it seems very strange that this fruit is used in a dessert (especially in Peru) I assure you that are really rich and no one would imagine they have this ingredient in its preparation.

Only they need (for 9-10 cookies, depending on size):
- 100g of crushed avocado (about 1/2 of avocado as you can see in the picture)
- 1/2 cup brown sugar, honey or coconut sugar
- 1 whole egg
- 1/2 cup cocoa powder
- 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
- Chocolate (I used 90% cocoa) into pieces and chocolate chips (I used 50% cocoa)

Half of an avocado the size of a hand girl

Once you have all the ingredients ready, pre heat the oven to 175 ° C.
Then, in a bowl mix the previously crushed avocado and coconut sugar (in my case) using a blender or food processor until they are very similar to the white / sweet dish of milk mixture.

Add to this mix the egg and continue mixing.

then add the cocoa powder and baking powder.

And they have the homogeneous mixture, add the cocoa nibs and chocolate chips with a tablespoon. This step would not be necessary to use the mixer.

With the help of two spoons, form cookies on a baking sheet. Make sure that they are not as round and aplástenlas a bit with one of the spoons.

Bake the cookies for about 10 minutes.

Wait until the cookies are cool or place them in the refrigerator and Ready! in just 15 minutes or less, amazing cookies will enjoy.

To see the nutritional benefits of this dessert, you can click on each item in the list of ingredients.

And you, Do you dare do them?

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