Kamis, 21 April 2016

Classic caesar salad, the original

The Caesar salad is simple and versatile, besides being delicious. There are many variations of this salad is usually prepared with chicken, salmon or shrimp, but today we give you the original recipe for you then you give your personal touch, or serve as it is and, additionally, we leave you a video with step Step

For the salad

2 romaine lettuce

1 1/2 cup chopped toasted bread cubes, croutons known French

1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese

For the sauce or dressing

1/4 cup fresh lemon juice

2 egg yolks

2 cups olive oil

2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce

2 teaspoons mustard

1 teaspoon sugar

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon black pepper

1 clove garlic, minced


Wash the lettuce and put to drain well, chop coarsely. Then placed in a pan a tablespoon of olive oil and fry bread toast lightly until then place it on absorbent paper. More details on how to make croutons or croutons here.

To make the sauce I dressing

Place all ingredients in blender least olive oil and mix at high speed for three minutes. Later, with the still burning blender, add oil as yarn to fully include in the mix. Add salt. It is very important to be patient when you add the oil as it can be cut egg yolks if included abruptly.

Mounting salad

In a salad bowl put chopped lettuce with half of the seasoning sauce and grated Parmesan. Mix well. Then add the rest of the Parmesan cheese and toasted croutons. Add the rest of the seasoning sauce, sprinkle with more Parmesan cheese and serve immediately so that the bread is not soft.

Curious fact

The Original Caesar Salad recipe takes no anchovies in the dressing, but is a common and widespread practice. So is, spraying along the way to topping parmesan cheese bacon or roasted bacon, finely chopped, which adds flavor and makes it crispier. However, these two ingredients are not part of the original dressing patented in 1948 by the chef Caesar Cardini.

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