Kamis, 05 Mei 2016

10 mini-recipes delicious snack you can do this afternoon

Sweet and savory recipes to get you well cortitas hunger in a very easy way.

1 apple cake
 an easy recipe with a rich and healthy result. For this we need apple pie:
- 2 eggs.
- 2 blocks diced.
- 50 grams of pecan nuts.
- 85 grams of blond or brown sugar.
- 1 cup superfine wheat flour.
- 70 ml of neutral oil.
- zest of 1 orange.
- 1 teaspoon of baking soda.
Already you have everything? Let's cook!
First mix the walnuts, sugar, orange zest and a little more than half of the apple cubes. We let out your apple juice and sugar melt. Twenty minutes later we add the eggs, mix and then add the flour with the baking previously added. Cover with vegetable spray pudding basin or fountain, pour the mixture, throw over the remaining apple cubes and take it to moderate oven for 40 minutes. To make sure you are ready, stick a knife comes out clean start to eat.

2. Pellets oreo

If you organized a picnic in your house, you were left over cookies while you made the choco-oreo and want to do something fast, this is the best option. We need:
- 4 packages of oreo.
- 1 package cream cheese, softened is important to be (the philadelphia is very good).
- 500 grams of chocolate for toppings.
And now if:
We started crushing the oreos the way easier for us. Once you do that separated the remaining 4 tablespoons and mix it with the cream cheese. After we set up the balls, the ideal is to make the size of a walnut. The we bathed in melted chocolate, sprinkle the oreos that previously separated and sent everything to the refrigerator in a dish on parchment paper.
3 super cheese scones

3. Super cheese scones

If you're really fat and lazy like me, if you want to eat until you feel that you can not breathe, this recipe is for you. We need:
- 100 grams of butter.
- 500 g flour 000.
- 1 tablespoon of salt.
- 2 teaspoons baking powder.
- 300 grams of grated cheese strands.
- milk (required amount).
We started:
Own processing? Great, we put the flour with baking powder, salt and butter. When a "sandy" consistency without coming to mixing of all, we pour into a bowl and add the cheese and cold milk until a smooth dough is formed not too hard. We stretch with a rolling pin to form a sheet of 2cm. Cut into triangles or circles and we sent with vegetable spray medium oven for 30 minutes or until we see are golden brown. Ready, fattens.

4 cinnamon rolls or something.

I did it!
I invented this recipe. It came a day that had nothing to snack and i was starving, the recipe is very similar to the "palmeritas" so it's pretty easy. We need:
- 2-mass phyllo pie.
- 100 grams of butter.
- sugar.
- cinnamon powder.
We started putting pre-heat the oven to 200 ° c and place a previously greased plate. Once that is done we started stretching tops pie with a rolling pin and pass a little butter on top. Then sprinkle with plenty of sugar and cinnamon. We cut masses into strips and roll up each strip separately, put them on the plate we had placed in the oven and return to sprinkle with cinnamon. We leave in the oven for 10 minutes until they brown and ready.
5 toast with garlic and grated cheese

5. Toast with garlic and grated cheese
 This is the best choice when peckish while making time to eat and over in 15 minutes what got ready. We need:
- 2 baguettes breads.
- 4 cloves garlic, crushed.
- 4 teaspoons olive oil extra virgin.
- 4 tablespoons butter.
- 1 teaspoon dried oregano.
- salt and pepper to taste.
- 2 cups mozzarella cheese, grated.
- 2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil.
Once we have all the ingredients, we follow:
The first thing we do is pre-heat the oven, and while we cut the baguettes in half lengthwise. We grabbed a bowl and put the butter, oil, garlic, oregano, salt and pepper. Mix and then extend the mixture over the bread slices. We placed 5 minutes in the oven, we get to put the cheese on top and put back in the oven to broil the cheese about 3 minutes. We retired for the last time and put some basil on top. Very rich.
6 apple cinnamon pudding

6. Apple cinnamon pudding

A very rich if you do not know what snack or breakfast and as always, very easy to do. We need:
- 500 grams of apples, peeled and finely chopped.
- 200 grams of butter.
- 250 grams of sugar.
- 4 eggs.
- 300 grams of flour.
- 3/4 of cinnamon powder.
- 2 teaspoons baking powder.
- 2 tablespoons of cinnamon powder.
We started ado:
The first thing we do is turn on the oven to 180 ° c and enmantecar pudding basin. On the other hand we beat butter, sugar and eggs until a creamy consistency. In another bowl we put all the remaining dry ingredients (flour, cinnamon and baking powder). Gradually we incorporate these ingredients to the previous bowl, whisk and incorporate the chopped apples. Finally we poured our budinera preparation and cook until, stick a knife comes out clean.
7 pellets cheddar cheese

7. Pellets cheddar cheese

Already thinking about it makes my mouth water. For this recipe you need:
- 1 cup of water.
- 110 grams of butter.
- 1/2 teaspoon salt.
- 1 cup of flour.
- 4 large eggs.
- 110 grams of shredded cheddar cheese, grated or chopped.
- 2 teaspoons fresh thyme, chopped.
- black pepper to taste.
¿we started?
We started putting water, butter, salt and bring to boil in medium saucepan. We lower heat slightly, add the flour and stir quickly with a wooden spoon until a dough forms. We remove the pan from heat and let cool. Add eggs (one at a time) and stir until incorporated into the dough. Add cheese, thyme, pepper and mix. Preheat oven to 220 ° c, form balls with the dough and place them on an oiled source. We cook for about 10 minutes. Then we lower the temperature to 180 ° c and cook for another 15 minutes or until golden brown balls. Amazing.

8. Butter chip cookies dipped in chocolate

Going to the bakery? Forget, now you can do at home. We need:
- 200gramos butter.
- 120 grams of powdered sugar.
- 4 egg yolks.
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 40 grams of ground almonds.
- 220 grams of plain flour.
- chocolate coverage.
There it goes:
Beat butter with sugar until a creamy consistency well. We added to yolks and vanilla essence after. We incorporate the ground almonds, flour and mix well until a smooth dough forms. We provide pre-heat the oven to 180 ° c and while giving the way we want our cookies. We baked on a dish with parchment paper for about 15 minutes. Remove from the oven and let cool. We spread the cookies with melted chocolate coverage and put them on another source with waxed paper until dry chocolate.

9. Homemade pizzas.

You'll see that are much richer than any pizza delivery. We need:
- 6 pancitos type mignon.
- butter.
- 250 grams of cooked ham into cubes.
- girl 1 onion, chopped.
- 2 tomatoes cut into cubes.
- 1 cucumber, diced pickled.
- 1 can of mushrooms filleted.
- marinade for pizza.
- 250 grams of grated gruyere cheese.
We started:
Preheat oven to 200 ° c and while we cut the loaves to medium and brush with butter. We put up all the ingredients of the loaves and we baked for 15 minutes. Ready.

10. Pretzels cinnamon

If you want to eat, eat and eat and then realize that you ate too much, the pretzels are your thing. We need:
- 250 grams of plain flour.
- 50 grams of grated chocolate milk.
- 2 teaspoons cinnamon.
- 1/2 teaspoon lemon zest.
- 1 pinch of salt.
- 125 grams of sugar.
- 4 egg yolks.
- 150 grams of butter at room temperature.
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon.
Let's see:
We started mixing in a bowl the flour, lemon zest, egg yolks, butter, and sugar to form a uniform mass. While we provide pre-heat the oven to 180c let the dough rest for 30 minutes in the refrigerator and we line with parchment paper source. We stretch the preparation on the source and give pretzel shape, sprinkle with sugar and we all baked for 10 or 15 minutes. Finally let cool and bathe pretzels into melted chocolate. Let stand until set and ready, do not stop eating.

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