Senin, 21 Maret 2016

Quick snack ideas - Toast caprese

Quick snack ideas - Toast caprese
Finally holidays! I guess many of you also are enjoying a few days holiday, or already are in the countdown to do so. You spend all year waiting for summer arrives to reset and back to work with renewed energy ... but then holidays are passed in the blink of an eye!

So to make the most of your vacation days without wasting time on unnecessary things, I will propose a series of super-fast and suitable for these summer days recipes. I hope you like them!

Ingredients (for about 12 slices)

A loaf rustic type
pesto prepared
3 tomatoes
½ can of pitted black olives
200 g of grated mozzarella
3 tablespoons olive oil
Pinch of sugar
ground black pepper (to taste)
Oregano (optional)

Wash the tomatoes, peel and cut into pieces.
Cut the black olives into pieces.
Mix chopped tomatoes with black olives, oil, sugar and pepper.
Cut the bread into slices and spread with the pesto.
Put the mixture over tomatoes and black olives.
Spread the grated cheese over toast (and oregano if you like).
Broil in oven until cheese is melted. Serve.

Although I have chosen to use a boat pesto, you can also do it yourself. To make this sauce in a home, just for a minute beat some fresh basil leaves (a handful), 2 cloves garlic, 20 g pine nuts, ½ cup of olive oil and a pinch of salt.
If you want to stay more intense flavor, you can pre toast bread slices and rub with garlic before adding the pesto.

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