Minggu, 20 Maret 2016

French omelet sandwich for children hiking

When children hiking, we want to ensure they eat well. As they will be doing physical activities and spend a lot of energy included in this sandwich lunch omelets, to resist without getting tired.

You can prepare this sandwich right away, because its ingredients are very simple. This will keep juicy until lunchtime, and will be easier to eat for your child.

French omelet sandwich for children hiking

1 loaf of bread you slice or two of bread
2 eggs
Olive oil
Tips: in the omelette, if your kids like, you can also add pieces of ham, cheese, olives, chopped tomato. This will be juicier.
Preparing omelette sandwich, step by step:

1. In a bowl, beat the eggs with a little salt and parsley and mix well.

2. Heat oil in a pan, so that it covers the bottom and set it over medium heat.

4. Place the egg mixture. Make the tortilla on one side and the other. When done, remove from heat.

4. Cut the bread for the sandwich about the size of the tortilla. Open it in half, place the tortilla and close it. Remember that you can also use sliced ​​bread.

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