Minggu, 20 Maret 2016




5 PEACHES with skin, cut into small pieces
1 cup water
3 heaping tablespoons brown sugar CANE

Choose a pan with high walls and cover.
Check peaches, water and sugar cane
Cover and set it to simmer for one hour.
It will be ready when the peach being too soft and dispose to catch him with the spoon.

There is nothing better than a good homemade jam made with few natural ingredients and simmered. Normally we produce for them preserved but also you can develop with those peaches that you already have a little "too" mature.

You see, I used brown sugar cane. Whenever I can I choose it over a refined white sugar because it is much healthier and digestive. The brown sugar, unrefined, retain all their vitamins and minerals.

Once prepared, put the jam in a glass container with lid or plastic and will hold you in perfect condition for several days.

This peach jam will give much play. The you can spread on a slice of bread warm people. It is also ideal for painting a homemade apple pie or cake. I, as I am more of tapas, I will use it to make a sauce to accompany a pork or chicken. I'm going to spin this last idea to see what it is and I'll tell you

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